Can I Configure `logrotate` to Just Delete Old Files and Not Rotate Them?
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Can I Configure `logrotate` to Just Delete Old Files and Not Rotate Them?

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Logrotate! The ultimate log file manager for Linux systems. It’s a powerful tool that helps you keep your log files tidy and organized. But, have you ever wondered if you can configure logrotate to delete old log files without rotating them? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of logrotate and explore the possibilities.

What is Logrotate?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s take a step back and understand what logrotate is. Logrotate is a log file rotating tool that helps you manage log files on Linux systems. It’s a simple, yet powerful tool that automates the process of rotating, compressing, and deleting log files. With logrotate, you can set up custom rotation schedules, compression formats, and even specify the maximum number of log files to keep.

The Default Behavior of Logrotate

By default, logrotate rotates log files based on a set of predefined rules. When logrotate is run, it checks the log files for specific conditions, such as file size, age, or modification time. If a log file meets these conditions, logrotate rotates it by renaming it with a timestamp or incrementing the file extension. For example, if you have a log file named `example.log`, logrotate might rename it to `example.log.1`, `example.log.2`, and so on.

But What if I Want to Delete Old Log Files Instead of Rotating Them?

Ah, the million-dollar question! By default, logrotate is designed to rotate log files, but what if you want to delete old log files instead of rotating them? Well, you’re in luck! Logrotate provides an option to delete old log files without rotating them.

The `maxage` Option: A Game-Changer for Log File Management

The `maxage` option is the key to deleting old log files without rotating them. The `maxage` option specifies the maximum age of a log file before it’s deleted. When you set the `maxage` option, logrotate will delete log files that are older than the specified age, without rotating them.

Configuring the `maxage` Option

To configure the `maxage` option, you’ll need to add a new configuration file to the `/etc/logrotate.d/` directory. Let’s create a new file called `example.conf` with the following contents:

/var/log/example.log {
    maxage 7

In this example, the `maxage` option is set to 7, which means logrotate will delete log files that are older than 7 days. You can adjust the `maxage` value to suit your needs.

Other Options to Consider

While the `maxage` option is the star of the show, there are other options you can use to fine-tune your log file management strategy:

  • `maxsize`: Specifies the maximum size of a log file before it’s deleted.
  • `minsize`: Specifies the minimum size of a log file before it’s considered for deletion.
  • `rotate`: Specifies the number of log files to keep before deleting old ones.
  • `olddir`: Specifies the directory where old log files are stored.

Example Configuration with Multiple Options

Let’s create a more comprehensive configuration file that uses multiple options:

/var/log/example.log {
    maxage 7
    maxsize 10M
    minsize 1k
    rotate 5
    olddir /var/log/archive

In this example, we’re using the `maxage` option to delete log files older than 7 days, `maxsize` to delete log files larger than 10MB, `minsize` to ignore log files smaller than 1KB, `rotate` to keep 5 log files, and `olddir` to store old log files in the `/var/log/archive` directory.


And there you have it! With the `maxage` option, you can configure logrotate to delete old log files without rotating them. By combining the `maxage` option with other logrotate options, you can create a customized log file management strategy that suits your needs. Remember to test your configuration files and adjust the options as needed to ensure your log files are managed effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use the `maxage` option with other logrotate options?

A: Yes, you can use the `maxage` option with other logrotate options to create a customized log file management strategy.

Q: What happens if I set the `maxage` option to 0?

A: If you set the `maxage` option to 0, logrotate will delete all log files immediately, without rotating them.

Q: Can I use the `maxage` option with multiple log files?

A: Yes, you can use the `maxage` option with multiple log files by specifying multiple log file paths in your configuration file.

Final Thoughts

Logrotate is an incredibly powerful tool that simplifies log file management. With the `maxage` option, you can delete old log files without rotating them, giving you more control over your log file management strategy. Remember to experiment with different options and test your configuration files to ensure your log files are managed effectively.

Option Description
`maxage` Specifies the maximum age of a log file before it’s deleted.
`maxsize` Specifies the maximum size of a log file before it’s deleted.
`minsize` Specifies the minimum size of a log file before it’s considered for deletion.
`rotate` Specifies the number of log files to keep before deleting old ones.
`olddir` Specifies the directory where old log files are stored.

By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to configure logrotate to delete old log files without rotating them. Remember to explore the logrotate manual pages and online resources for more information on logrotate options and configuration.


The following resources were used to create this article:

  • The logrotate manual page (man logrotate)
  • The logrotate configuration file documentation (/etc/logrotate.conf)
  • Various online resources and tutorials on logrotate configuration

Happy log file managing!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Can I configure `logrotate` to just delete old files and do not rotate them?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on logrotate’s hidden features!

Can I configure logrotate to delete old files without rotating them?

Yes, you can! Logrotate provides a `maxage` directive that allows you to specify the maximum number of days to keep log files. When the log file reaches this age, it will be deleted. To achieve this, add the `maxage` directive to your logrotate configuration file, followed by the number of days you want to keep the log files.

What’s the purpose of the maxage directive in logrotate?

The `maxage` directive specifies the maximum number of days to keep log files. Log files older than this age will be deleted, while newer files will be preserved. This is useful for managing log file retention and preventing log files from accumulating indefinitely.

How do I configure logrotate to delete log files older than a certain number of days?

To delete log files older than a certain number of days, add the `maxage` directive to your logrotate configuration file, followed by the number of days. For example, to delete log files older than 30 days, add the following line: `maxage 30`. This will ensure that log files older than 30 days are deleted, while newer files are preserved.

Will logrotate still rotate log files if I set maxage?

No, if you set `maxage`, logrotate will not rotate log files. Instead, it will simply delete log files older than the specified age. If you want to rotate log files as well, you’ll need to use additional directives, such as `rotate` and `size`, in conjunction with `maxage`.

Can I use maxage with other logrotate directives?

Yes, you can use `maxage` with other logrotate directives, such as `rotate`, `size`, and `compress`. This allows you to create customized log rotation policies that meet your specific needs. For example, you can use `maxage` to delete old log files, while using `rotate` and `size` to rotate and compress newer log files.

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